1 day ago
"various items not important enough to be mentioned individually." Oxford Languages Christmas approaches and begins to dominate, so life...
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1 day ago
An AI suggestion
"The unexpected joy of combining pomegranates with traditional pasta" Wix AI Wix has taken to generously providing me with three AI...
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3 days ago
Watermelon and pomegranates
Yesterday's painting of the day from Cézanne was the above - Watermelon and Pomegranates. Well it's food isn't it, so this is my today's...
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4 days ago
From Mrs. Beeton to ...?
"Had people ever lived like this, my suburban mind wondered. Somewhere, might they still be doing so?" Julian Barnes I shall begin this...
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5 days ago
A small triumph
"For some reason, leftover omelettes always come out way tastier than by-the-book ones." atto_del_fatto/reddit First thing to say - I...
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Dec 15
So Christmas is coming ...
"Humans need fantasy to be human, to be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape." Terry Pratchett The quote above...
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Dec 14
Origins and evolution
I've been thinking a bit about those questions I asked about mantı yesterday - who on earth thought of making such tiny complicated...
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Dec 13
When you've got nothing to do - mantı
"According to Turkish legend, if you really want to impress your guests, your mantı should be small enough so that 40 of them can fit in...
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Dec 12
OK let's do America - sort of
"If you're going to America bring your own food." Fran Lebowitz It seems to me that American food, just like British food, has a bad...
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Dec 11
The cheese board
"When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?" George Carlin The inspiration for this particular post, although I have thought...
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Dec 10
Why is distressed so loved?
"Indulge in noncommittal decorating" Domino Last week I treated myself - I think I told you - to three new cookbooks. One of these was...
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Dec 8
Cheese rind umami
"Basically, if it comes to a boil, you might as well add rinds." Rebecca Firsker/Today For a year or more, probably more, I have indeed...
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Dec 7
Guilt leads to pistachios - and pasta
It's a long time since I've done a lucky dip. I had one sitting on my desk - Charmaine Solomon's Encyclopedia of Asian Food was the...
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Dec 6
Life, the universe and everything
"If I could define enlightenment briefly I would say it is 'the quiet acceptance of what is." Wayne Dyer I don't think this post will...
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Dec 5
Who are these people?
"I know of three reasons that people go to coffee houses: to drink coffee, eat pastries, and socialize." Martin Bayer/Quora On Wednesday...
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Dec 3
A Moscato dilemma
"it's the wine world's equivalent of milk chocolate or soggy white bread, a sneakily guilty pleasure." Fiona Beckett/The Guardian...
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Dec 2
A gallimaufry
Gallimaufry: "a confused jumble or medley of things" Oxford Langauges "a meat stew called galimafrée" Merriam-Webster There's your new...
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Dec 1
Back to normal
"Normal - the usual, typical, or expected state or condition" Oxford Languages I just tested my COVID status, and as expected, it was...
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