Jun 1, 2023
Three moments in time - gnocchi
"Gnocchi is not just for rib-sticking, soul-warming meals by candlelight, but for light summer days, too." Nigel Slater Uninspired again...
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May 30, 2023
Cornbread - I'm confused
"Everyone at least agrees that the best cornbread is made at home" Felicity Cloake "all cornbread is authentic, as long as it's good,...
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May 23, 2023
Italian/American cuisine
"Perhaps the best way to think about the differences between Italian American and authentic Italian is, in the same way, you would...
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May 21, 2023
Mundane to trendy and back to mundane
"blandly milky, comfortingly stodgy, and just the thing to use up all the staling half loaves left hanging around by Christmas guests who...
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May 16, 2023
Tacos - where to begin?
“Tacos are great because you can eat very well, with really good ingredients, for not a lot of money or time,” Joe Hargrave The other...
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May 15, 2023
"Smidgen - a small amount of something." Oxford Languages Smidgens the chocolates Actually Smidgens are also an American chocolate...
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May 14, 2023
Muffuletta - first make your giardiniera
"Anybody who doesn't include the muffuletta in their list of the Five Most Important Sandwiches In The History Of Life, the Universe, and...
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May 11, 2023
Green herbs, chicken and Madhur Jaffrey
"It is divine: rich, sophisticated, flavourful, ultra-curry but with a delicate complexity unknown to most who have not tried real...
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May 7, 2023
A rainy day dish
"The recipe is pretty simple, but not for the calorie-conscious" Australian Food Timeline It's a miserable day and we have promised to...
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May 4, 2023
Coincidence, heaven and bougatsa
"a dessert called bougatsa made her believe in heaven." Michelle de Kretser Next week is book group week and I am currently reading the...
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May 3, 2023
The dream of Tuscany
"Toscana has been the region of the last decade (or two). Everyone outside Italy wants to live there, and just about every other person...
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Apr 30, 2023
Three, maybe four cheeses and cream
and an under-appreciated Australian cooking guru You may remember that included in my weekly 'to cook' list I have 'one new recipe' which...
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Apr 29, 2023
Carrot soup
"a recipe designed to be as fluid as the weather" Nigel Slater Yesterday I wrote about boredom and looking at the title of this post you...
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Apr 27, 2023
“Meat is used. You prepare water. You add fine-grained salt, dried barley cakes, onion, Persian shallot, and milk. You crush and add leek...
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Apr 25, 2023
Supermodel pasta
"Overall, you can’t go wrong with a pasta recipe, and this one is easy to make and absolutely delicious. Plus, you can make it your own...
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Apr 24, 2023
"Speck - a tiny patch or spot" Speck So these are not really specks - they are too big, but it is Speck with a capital S...
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Apr 21, 2023
Cuisse de canard rôtie aux prunes
"It is rich meltingly tender when young, and fairly cries out to be simmered with wine, herbs and brandy" Robert Carrier This is my...
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Apr 16, 2023
The picture above is from the latest Coles Magazine and featured in their Cooking Club segment - in which one of the' ordinary' people...
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Apr 15, 2023
Stewing - when, how, what?
"Believe it or not, there are no right or wrong ways to make stew" Pip Spence on the Jamie Oliver website I'm planning to make a beef...
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Apr 9, 2023
Unhealthily delicious
"cooking honey with butter and chilli until bubbling makes the most glorious topping to put on a grilled cheese sandwich." Drizzle and...
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