
Apr 15, 2023
Stewing - when, how, what?
"Believe it or not, there are no right or wrong ways to make stew" Pip Spence on the Jamie Oliver website I'm planning to make a beef...
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Apr 12, 2023
They say I'm a good cook - but ...
"You have to eat to cook. You can't be a good cook and be a noneater. I think eating is the secret to good cooking." Julia Child...
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Apr 10, 2023
Spam - yes spam
"the ham that failed its physical" American troops WW2 The human animal is a creative soul is it not? Also very adaptive. It can make...
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Apr 5, 2023
"a strip of material, such as paper, cloth, or food, that has been torn, cut, or scraped from something larger." Oxford Languages...
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Apr 4, 2023
The wonderful world of ramen
"For all that Japan has invented in the 20th century, the digital clock, Walkman, Nintendo and Pokemon, the Japanese consider their...
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Apr 3, 2023
Cooking for your man
"To Reuben who married me before I learned to cook." Chairman Solomon I have recently set myself another goal - to cook something, every...
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Apr 2, 2023
Psarasoupa me avgolemono
"Avgolemono is just so important to Greeks. But maybe it's even more important to Greeks who've left Greece." Simon Gloftis I haven't...
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Apr 1, 2023
A recipe a method or just an idea?
"the possibilities are endless." Gourmet Traveller Last night we had friends to dinner, some of whom were vegetarian, so vegetarian was...
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Mar 27, 2023
Sage and onion
"THE TRICK: Throw the Paxo out of the window." Nigel Slater Like many British people of my age I grew up with Paxo packet stuffing, and...
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Mar 24, 2023
Breaking my own rules
"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it." Henry David Thoreau For the last few years I have made myself a little set of...
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Mar 23, 2023
Pickled onions - ancient or modern?
"Pickle a big batch, put them on everything." There are the ones in the jar - brown and whole, and the ones in a dish - sliced, pink and...
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Mar 21, 2023
Middle-Eastern then and now
"Fusion is just a way of describing what we are doing today. When you think of the Ottoman Empire, that's exactly what they were doing –...
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Mar 19, 2023
"quite possibly the best-tasting yet widely unknown breakfast treat you’ll find." Erin Clarke/Well Plated Do you know what a bostock is?...
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Mar 17, 2023
Cool - another word to ponder on
"Coolness is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance, and style that is generally admired. Because of the varied and...
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Mar 14, 2023
Tomato sauce - musings
"The kind of sauce that starts with the simplest ingredients—some canned tomatoes, a few aromatics, some olive oil, and maybe some...
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Mar 13, 2023
Is this when I try fish pie?
"In my hierarchy of leftovers, fish rides high; in fact, it's right at the top of the list. Given the preciousness of it as a resource,...
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Mar 12, 2023
I began with scaccia and almost ended with quiche
"Essentially, what they all share is the principle that behind a perfectly ordinary piece of pastry that looks nothing special on the...
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Mar 11, 2023
Should we abhor stock cubes?
"I've had several friends with romantic notions of writing down their bubba's chicken soup recipes, only to discover that the 'secret...
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Mar 10, 2023
Camouflage or hidden?
"To camouflage - to hide something, or to hide the truth about something" Cambridge English Dictionary "To hide - to prevent something...
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Mar 9, 2023
In passing
"done or said when your main focus is something different" Oxford Learner's Dictionary "briefly and casually" Google? My main focus in...
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