
Jul 18, 2024
Spaghetti pie, cake, slice ...
"simple, luxurious, yet slightly trashy" Jamie Oliver I didn't get to finish this post yesterday because I spent too much time in the...
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Welcome to you all. Amazingly I still don't seem to be running out of ideas on what to write - well occasionally - but I have my writer's block strategies to turn to - see the text on the right. Check this page for the latest posts and if something interests you just click on it. It's easy to leave a comment and I love to read them. And now you can subscribe to the blog and get emailed notifications of new posts. And sorry I just don't understand Facebook.
"We are not here for long. So let's at least make ourselves something good to eat."
​Nigel Slater
"I was born hungry, not a cook."
Julia Child
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well"
​Virginia Woolf
Every now and then I can't think of a suitable topic and so I have devised a few strategies to get around this.
The first strategy I devised is to go to one of my three cook book bookshelves, close my eyes and pick a book. Close my eyes again and pick a page. It's really quite an enlightening method of getting over writer's block.
My second strategy is to devote a post to the thoughts of one of my favourite cooks. Hopefully it will introduce them to you
I shall choose a picture I have come across and extemporise on that.
I have been thinking about first recipes in cook books - so I shall choose a book not quite randomly and then look at the first recipe for inspiration.
Comments I love reading your comments. Just add a name - any name - it needn't be yours, add an email, ditto, type in your comment and hit the Comment button. Done. Wix sends me an email to tell me what you said, so I can respond if needed. Mostly I just read and enjoy. If you would like to subscribe to this blog and get notifications of new posts then click here. It's free - just a way of knowing what I wrote about today.