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Short and sweet (I hope)

I wasn't actually going to write a blog today. It's almost dinnertime and I went out to lunch so have not had a lot of time, but then I thought that was a bit lazy so here are a few little things that have been cluttering up my desktop and my ideas book.

From last month's Coles Magazine and Curtis Stone, comes this very simple and very deliciously cooling recipe. Perfect for my family gathering on Sunday. And infinitely variable too of course. Just thought I'd draw your attention to it. It's the sort of thing that tempts you to pick and nibble don't you think?

Sardine fried sandwich from Mitch Tonks

This was in The Guardian and it seemed like a good idea to me. No picture though. The picture is from the same chef with similar ingredients, but not fried - The ultimate sardines on toast it's called. I'm going to try the fried version one day though. I adore sardines. They are my guilty pleasure.

“Mix creme fraiche, English mustard and a dash of Worcestershire sauce, spread it on rye bread [buttered on the outside], lay the sardines on top, add black pepper, red onion, sliced dill pickle, capers, sauerkraut and swiss cheese.” Top with another slice of rye buttered on the outside and fry until crisp.

Note the crème fraïche!


I was going to write an article about Madeleines, memories and Proust, and started researching it. And then I found this article - A hundred year's of Proust's Madeleines by James Brennan and gave up. Well he'd said it all, and so much better than I ever could. So have a look at it.

But time marches on - it's almost 6 o'clock, so I really must go and make tonight's dinner - leftover poached tarragon chicken in a risotto. Maybe with some spinach too - no too strong. I'll see.


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This is a personal website with absolutely no commercial intent and meant for a small audience of family and friends.  I admit I have 'lifted' some images from the web without seeking permission.  If one of them is yours and you would like me to remove it, just send me an email.

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